Wednesday 3 June 2009


Being a governor of a primary school it isn't a formal appointment as Mayor but it kind of goes with the territory I guess. I have been involved with Barnacre Road School in Longridge for a little while and recently swapped from one sub committee to another.

Yesterday was my first meeting of the Staffing and Curriculum committee and I had an interesting afternoon. The tired old mantra about "nobody likes change" gets trotted out whenever there are difficult decisions and reorganisations to be made but if you thought about the expression for longer than the time it takes to say it you'd surely have to disagree! Nobody likes change when it doesnt suit them - but don't tell me that "nobody likes change"! Why go on holiday, move house, get married, have children? They are all changes that you have control over....

The point is that there have to be changes in organisations to make them work in the round. Schools are people places and the raw materials are , like the weather, fickle and - well - human! (the weather isnt human obviously but it is always changing!!) So next year some of the teaching staff are going to be in different places and it will be strange to start with.....but a month into the new term and that will be normal...

And surely this little vignette is relevant to us is for most of us about managing change - our own development (aging!?) and the environment around us and we have a general natural human urge to "make things better".

And that's a good thing many people in their own way are making things better...and well done to us all!!

Over and out - time to earn a living!

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